Sunday, July 22, 2012

Peanut "Butter is Good for the Soul" Cookies

I crave peanut butter. I don't know if it is from the salt or the protein or the oil (probably all three), but nothing really hits the spot like a spoonful of peanut butter. We have been out of peanut butter for the last three days, but since we finally have some in the house and it's a stormy day in Panama, David and I decided to make some cookies. 

David wanted to make cookies from a recipe out of The Joy of Cooking, which included 1 cup of sugar and 1 stick of butter. I wanted to make a super healthy version that included chickpeas, but luckily for David we don't have a food processor to mash up the chickpeas.

Time to compromise. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Not Enough Time? Create a Working Task List

Do you struggle with time management? Do you feel so overwhelmed by all the things that you need to do, but don't know where to start? Do you procrastinate and then essentially don't get anything done at all? 

Time management is something that we all struggle with regardless of age or profession. Maybe you have found a rhythm and schedule that works professionally, but feel confused on how to organize your personal time. Or you might not have any trouble organizing your personal time, but not know how to make the most of your work day at the office.

A lot of people advocate scheduling every single task into a calendar or project management software. This is a good system, but sometimes the structure doesn't account for all the little unexpected things that happen during the day. I recommend using a working task list and block schedule instead.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Spicy Red Lentil Dal

During a month of pretty strict vegetarianism back in January, I searched high and low for meatless recipes that my diabetic, meat-eating father would also like. Luckily, we both love spicy Indian food. 

Also lucky for us, India is known for some pretty wonderful spicy lentil dishes. This makes sense considering that the country produces half the world's lentils.

Lentils are high in fiber, both soluble and insoluble, and packed with minerals and vitamins like potassium, magnesium, and folate. These little legumes have also been shown to lower cholesterol, reduce heart disease, and decrease the risk of becoming overweight or diabetic.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Enjoying the Sunshine (Safely)

Summertime. The days are longer and there is much more time for frolicking in the sun. Vitamin D, a necessary nutrient for bone and muscle strength, is best absorbed through the sun. Recent studies on Vitamin D also suggest that there are even more benefits to Vitamin D than we previously thought.

This past weekend I went to Toboga, a little island off the coast of Panama City. I slathered on the sunscreen as we waited for the ferry to take us and allowed sufficient time for it to dry while we rode out to the island. When we arrived, we set up camp under three large umbrellas and applied more sunscreen before going out to enjoy the ocean. In the midst of soaking up some much needed Vitamin D, I still managed to get a little too pink. As children, we were taught the dangers of too much sunshine and lessons of protecting ourselves. But sometimes, as adults, we forget these lessons and need a little reminder.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Soul Food Sunday: Creative Manifestos

Sundays are luscious days, days where you have a whole day ahead of you before the week starts again.

One of my favorite Sunday activities is to read the weekly newsletter from Brain Pickings.

Brain Pickings is a curated website, full of all sorts of wonderful articles about art, literature, design, architecture, history, science...the descriptions, imagery, and reviews always help kick-start my creativity.

I especially like the Five Manifestos for the Creative Life, including the now famous Holstee Manifesto.

Enjoy getting lost on this site and the ideas it might spark!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Navigating a Type II Diabetes Diagnosis

When my dad was first diagnosed with type II diabetes I was completely oblivious as to how serious it was.

Diabetes just means that you can't eat sugar, right?

Wrong. Diabetes refers to a group of diseases that influence how your body produces and utilizes blood glucose (blood sugar). Think of glucose as the body’s main source of fuel. Problem is that, just like a car, the human body cannot run properly without oil, or insulin. Insulin regulates the glucose in the blood to help ensure that there is not an excess or shortage. Extreme fluctuations in glucose in the blood is very dangerous and can lead to a slew of health problems.

For anyone without diabetes who is reading this and thinking “none of this applies to me, I don’t have diabetes..." chances are you have a relative, neighbor, friend, or co-worker who is either already diabetic or at risk of diabetes.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What to Do With Leftover Veggie Scraps

Making vegetable broth at home is possibly the easiest recipe you will ever make at home.

Inspired by Grist's article about "Five Packaged Foods You Never Need to Buy Again", my do-it-yourselfer boyfriend and I decided to start making our own vegetable broth.
All you have to do is: reserve the odds and ends of vegetables, store in a container in the freezer, and when the container is full, cover with water and simmer for at least an hour. Really, it's that simple.
  1. Find a large container that you can keep in the freezer (freezer bags work well too).
  2. When you are chopping up vegetables, keep the freezer container handy. Throw all loose vegetable ends in the container: onion ends and skins, tomato and bell pepper tops. We also throw in vegetables that are close to expiring that we know we aren't going to have time to use.
  3. After the container is full (this may take a few weeks depending on the size of your container and how often you cook), pour all the frozen veggies into a large kettle and cover with water. Be careful not add too much water, you want the broth to have a lot of vegetable flavor.
  4. Bring the veggies to a boil and then let simmer for an hour.
  5. After an hour, turn the heat off and let the vegetables sit and stew for a bit longer.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Soul Food Sunday - The Things We Take for Granted

As an American, there are a lot of things that I take for granted.

Taking a shower.
Taking a shower with hot water.
Just fresh water - period. 
Access to healthcare (despite all the BS going on right now in politics).
Reliable electricity. 
Libraries! Wonderful places where you can read books and use the computer for free!
Freedom to travel.Whether it's traveling across state lines on paved highways or flying around the world, as Americans we can travel freely without of a lot of questions asked.
Police officers that are sincerely looking out for your safety and well being. 

As Americans, especially young Americans like myself who ARE SO OVER the lack of long-term solutions  from politicians (this goes across both party lines), it is easy to forget that people from other countries still view the United States as an oasis, as a place to start anew and seek refugee from countries torn apart by war and other atrocities. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fresh Basil Pesto

What should you do with a bunch of fresh basil? 

Well, the obvious answer is "make fresh pesto." 

 Although in this day and age we have a tendency to shy away from the obvious answer, sometimes it really is the one that makes the most sense. Not all solutions have to be complicated. 

My dad is growing a beautiful basil plant this summer and I have, no joke, already made fresh pesto three times since I have been in Atlanta. Although my boyfriend and I are growing basil down in Panama, we do not have a food processor and have already broken two blenders. Needless to say, I am taking advantage of the fresh basil and food processor while they are available.

The thing about pesto is that it is really all about the ratio. You can apply the ratio below to all different types of herbs, nuts, and cheese (or dairy-free if that's your style). One of my favorite pesto recipes is actually made with fresh spinach and blanched arugula (from one of my go-to cookbooks: The Ten Things You Need to Eat), but basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow at home and is certainly the most traditional way of making pesto.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The First Solution is Always to Start

Starting a blog kinda sucks.

I mean there's a theme to choose and an header image to upload and an about page to write and somehow during the whole process - of all a sudden - you kinda lose sight of the whole reason you wanted to start the blog in the first place.


I mean, isn't that the true reason of any blog?

To tell your story?

To see your words in black and white?

To release your delightful demons to the world?

That's my name for creations - delightful demons because that what you feel like when you're creating them.

So this is blog attempt number two after months of trying to make a concept work that I didn't really like in the first place.

So thank you to Jeff Goin's Writer's Manifesto, The Vow, and some delectable Chilean Carmenere. I don't know if it was one or a combination of all three but something clicked tonight.

Solution #1: Just do it. Whatever you are thinking of doing that you haven't done yet - just do it. Creative projects aren't going to just start themselves.

Just start the damn blog/novel/painting/recipe/composition/design/project/non-profit/business.

And figure out what time your bewitching hour is. I've been ignoring mine for years.