I mean there's a theme to choose and an header image to upload and an about page to write and somehow during the whole process - of all a sudden - you kinda lose sight of the whole reason you wanted to start the blog in the first place.
I mean, isn't that the true reason of any blog?
To tell your story?
To see your words in black and white?
To release your delightful demons to the world?
That's my name for creations - delightful demons because that what you feel like when you're creating them.
So this is blog attempt number two after months of trying to make a concept work that I didn't really like in the first place.
So thank you to Jeff Goin's Writer's Manifesto, The Vow, and some delectable Chilean Carmenere. I don't know if it was one or a combination of all three but something clicked tonight.
Solution #1: Just do it. Whatever you are thinking of doing that you haven't done yet - just do it. Creative projects aren't going to just start themselves.
Just start the damn blog/novel/painting/recipe/composition/design/project/non-profit/business.
And figure out what time your bewitching hour is. I've been ignoring mine for years.

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