Sunday, July 8, 2012

Soul Food Sunday - The Things We Take for Granted

As an American, there are a lot of things that I take for granted.

Taking a shower.
Taking a shower with hot water.
Just fresh water - period. 
Access to healthcare (despite all the BS going on right now in politics).
Reliable electricity. 
Libraries! Wonderful places where you can read books and use the computer for free!
Freedom to travel.Whether it's traveling across state lines on paved highways or flying around the world, as Americans we can travel freely without of a lot of questions asked.
Police officers that are sincerely looking out for your safety and well being. 

As Americans, especially young Americans like myself who ARE SO OVER the lack of long-term solutions  from politicians (this goes across both party lines), it is easy to forget that people from other countries still view the United States as an oasis, as a place to start anew and seek refugee from countries torn apart by war and other atrocities. 

Did you know that the U.S. has helped resettle over 2.5 million refugees since 1975? Or that we have over 325 refugee resettlement communities around the country? I didn't know. I also didn't know that there is a resettlement community less than 30 miles from the house where I grew up in Atlanta.

Today, on CBS Sunday Morning, in between a feature on the science of aging and a tribute to Andy Griffin, they highlighted a young non-profit organization outside Atlanta called Fugees Family which is dedicated to helping child refugees by providing education, soccer, tutoring, and perhaps most importantly, support. I encourage you to watch the clip below as a reminder of what it means to be an American and what means to live the "American Dream."

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